Mountain sickness and prevention

Mountain sickness and prevention, Mountain Altitude Sickness can affect anyone above 2500 meters. High Altitude Sickness affects people regardless of sex, age, and fitness. If you are showing signs of mountain altitude sickness your safety is our priority and we will facilitate you getting down as fast as possible.

We suggest before trekking to ensure you are in good health and have consulted with your GP. However, it is recommended before departing that walking training be done so you have the most enjoyable time while trekking. Please feel free to contact us.

Table of Contents

  • Acute Mountain Sickness and Prevention.  
  • Prevention
  • Garlic and Cloves
  • Diamox

Acute Mountain Sickness and Prevention.  

Many people suffer from mild symptoms of AMS (ACUTE MOUNTAIN SICKNESS)
After that, A light headache, loss of appetite, and disturbed sleep may occur when suffering from AMS. If you experience any of these symptoms do not continue to climb. Instead, stay where you are or go down to acclimatize.

Hace – High Altitude Cerebral Edema (swelling of the brain)
Hape – High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (fluids in the lungs)


Firstly, Persistent severe headache, difficulty breathing, confused thinking, loss of appetite, rapid breathing or breathlessness at rest, vomiting, coughing up pink, brown, or white sputum, the sound of liquid in the lungs, blueness of face and lips, not wanting to do anything, continuous rough cough, or having increased heart rate (110 per minute)


Walk slowly,  rest, listen to your body, do not exercise, don’t travel to high altitudes too quickly, eat more calories, and pack plenty of healthy snacks. Including lots of grain.

Drink plenty of water – Drink a little, often. Drinking Water is also important. (Avoid alcoholic drinks and smoking) Stick to a plain diet, bread chicken soup, mushroom soup, and light meals. and eat fruit – especially when crossing the high pass.

Garlic and Cloves

So with mountain sickness and natural prevention, we can use garlic and cloves in the mountains of Nepal as well.
Garlic helps to thin and flow blood in the body.
Cloves also help the body use oxygen more properly.


Medical agents for high altitude sickness. Diamox reported reviewers 80% positive effects and 20% negative effects.